Dear mother:
Exhibit letter Yue!
In daily life, you manage to mine everyday very reach the designated position, you do chore in the home, cook, receive us to learn up and down, everyday busy in busy outside, it is painstaking very. You love us to get the better of even love oneself too.
But I still want to say to you: "You are excessive to me managed. " you always feel I am very piquant, naughty. Remember once, you take me to come to be a guest of an aunt home, we sit on the subway, you begin to chatter: Etc can go to aunt home to cannot have a thing in disorder, want others to agree... you say very aloud at that time, same the person of a train compartment was heard, as if 100 pairs of eyes look at me, my facial Dou Gong arrived at that time on ear, blast paroxysm is hot. Blue sky! At that time I already 10 years old half. Be an upright person it is very clear that I return working sense of property, but you still are without scruple the ground speaks out, as if is I arrive 10 years old from a year old so make trouble? Do not interpret rule, you fear I lost outer part for you before others...
In the home you also are so severe to me. In returning the home, you help me had made the basic cycle time of work plan and every division. When going out to play, you say I cannot exceed range of your line of sight. When I want to do a meal, you say I just can make trouble again, can do worse more only. I in the life, everything is accused by your place palm, resemble a marionette, I am performed on the stage, you issue pull wires in the stage. You call my effort, effort to try hard again, you do not want to let me become the bad child in people look, but I am tired really...
My good mom, I know you are loving me deeply. But what I want to say is, mother, I had been brought up, the dot that is toddle no longer already, you should let go one wrestle, let myself make a plan to oneself.
Go down so again, when I am afraid that after be brought up, I want to be off to distant parts really, cannot become independent however, fly not tall not far. I am afraid that I am in when flying away, you still are afraid that I resemble dot 5 years old be overcome in that way, concern suffers be afraid of, pulling a line not to let me fly off your management...
Mother, since you gave me wing, let myself fly! Hover in heaven and earth, celestial colour allows to be drawn by myself. Believe your daughter please, stop your concern.
Healthy, the life is safe!
Your daughter
On December 26, 2022